Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday 1.13.10

Today has been a little better. After all of our errands and checking out the new house, I started with our bedroom. Putting away the clothes in the basket and removing the clothes of mine that are getting too small and made quite a bit of space for the maternity clothes in my dresser and closet. I even put some clothes I can get rid of in a pile.

That's progress. :)

I made home made pizza for dinner and after the kids unloaded the dish washer I reloaded it. I feel like I'm having to start all over. lol

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just a little stressed... but it'll be ok

Sometimes things just get a little overwhelming.

I am 4 months pregnant and just recently feel "human" again. lol After months (what seemed like forever) of being nauseous, exhausted, and moody, I'm feeling like I can do normal things again - like cleaning my house and doing a load or two of laundry. My problem is that everything seems so far behind that I don't know where to start. Everything has been piling up. I feel like I'm in the beginning stages of the show Hoarders. It's awful. My husband has been amazing and has tried to keep up, without much grumbling, but he has a full time career. He should not have to come home from work and take care of the house while taking care of the kids and cooking dinner. I feel so bad that he had to do that!

His schedule changed and now he's working an opposite shift. This means that he sleeps further into the day and works later at night. Because I'm trying to keep the kids quiet and busy during the mornings, it doesn't leave much cleaning time. Then when he wakes up, we go, go, go until errands are done and I'm exhausted. lol Then I really DON'T want to clean......

We are looking into buying a new house. But first, we have to fix this one up (painting, carpet), pack everything up, and then put it on the market in hopes and prayers that it will sell. We found the most perfect house on land within our price range.

I feel like I'm just overloaded with stuff and there's no one around to help. The kids are too young to really clean anything and it's just not Coby's job.

I'll be just fine --- just needed to rant a little......

****All things are possible through God. :D****